Welcome to the Pokemon Team Rocket Edition Cheat Codes Page! Here, we’ll share all the tested and working cheat codes for the game. This page will be your go-to resource for finding cheat codes for Pokemon Team Rocket Edition.
How to use Cheat in Pokemon Team Rocket Edition?
Before you dive into the cheat codes, here’s how to use them and get the items you’ve activated:
- Step 1: Enter the cheat codes and their type in your emulator.
- Step 2: Once you’ve activated an item code, open your bag. You should find the item there, and you can withdraw it unlimited times.
- Step 3: As soon as you see the item in your bag, close the cheat code immediately to avoid item duplication.
Rules to Follow Before using Cheat Codes:
- Save your game before using any cheat codes to avoid any issues caused by them.
- We’ve only detected item duplication during testing, but it’s still a good idea to be cautious.
- Close the cheat code immediately after using it to prevent any other problems.
- Always check your game before saving after using a cheat code.
Make sure to follow all the above instructions to avoid any issues during your gameplay.
Pokemon Team Rocket Edition Cheat Codes
Rare Candy
Cheat Code for English Version:
82026E18 0066
82026E1A 03E7
Cheat Code for Latest Spanish Version 2.0.5:
82026E18 0065
82026E1A 03E7
Cheat Type: Code Breaker
Master Ball
Cheat Code:
82026E18 0004
82026E1A 03E7
Cheat Type: Code Breaker
All Type of PokeBalls
Cheat Type: Code Breaker for all PokeBall Codes
82026E18 0001
82026E1A 03E7
Great balls
82026E18 0002
82026E1A 03E7
Ultra balls
82026E18 0003
82026E1A 03E7
Premiere balls
82026E18 0005
82026E1A 03E7
Heal ball
82026E18 0006
82026E1A 03E7
Net ball
82026E18 0007
82026E1A 03E7
Nest ball
82026E18 0008
82026E1A 03E7
Dive ball
82026E18 0001
82026E1A 03E7
Dusk ball
82026E18 000A
82026E1A 03E7
Time ball
82026E18 000B
82026E1A 03E7
Quick Ball
82026E18 000C
82026E1A 03E7
Repeat ball
82026E18 000D
82026E1A 03E7
Luxury ball
82026E18 000B
82026E1A 03E7
Level ball
82026E18 000B
82026E1A 03E7
Lure ball
82026E18 0010
82026E1A 03E7
Moon ball
82026E18 0011
82026E1A 03E7
Friend ball
82026E18 0012
82026E1A 03E7
Love ball
82026E18 0013
82026E1A 03E7
Fast ball
82026E18 0014
82026E1A 03E7
Heavy ball
82026E18 0015
82026E1A 03E7
Dream Ball
82026E18 0016
82026E1A 03E7
Safari ball
82026E18 0017
82026E1A 03E7
Sport Ball
82026E18 0018
82026E1A 03E7
Park ball
82026E18 0019
82026E1A 03E7
Beast Ball
82026E18 001A
82026E1A 03E7
Cherish Ball
82026E18 001B
82026E1A 03E7
Full Restores
Cheat Code:
82026E18 0020
82026E1A 03E7
Cheat Type: Code Breaker
Max Revive
Cheat Code:
82026E18 0022
82026E1A 03E7
Cheat Type: Code Breaker
Max Repel
Cheat Code:
82026E18 0074
82026E1A 03E7
Cheat Type: Code Breaker
Rocket Stone
Cheat Code English Version:
82026E18 00E0
82026E1A 03E7
Cheat Code for Latest Spanish Version 2.0.5:
82026E18 00E1
82026E1A 03E7
Cheat Type: Code Breaker
Rare Bone
Cheat Code:
82026E18 009A
82026E1A 03E7
Cheat Type: Code Breaker
Note: Some cheat codes may not work in the latest version 2.0.5 because all codes have been tested on the English version, and some codes are giving different items in the Spanish version. Since the latest version is not available in English, we’re having trouble testing other codes. However, important ones like Rare Candy and Master Ball work well in both the Spanish and English versions.
We’ve done our best to provide all the working cheat codes for the game, but there are still many more codes we can add to our list, and we’ll include them in future updates. We also encourage everyone to share any cheats you know that aren’t listed on this page. Thanks for reading, and happy gaming!